Monday, December 05, 2005

Neil Bush, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and money-money-money

AlterNet is reporting on Neil Bush (the Prez's younger brother) touring with Rev. Sun Myung Moon. This isn't as odd as it first sounds, unfortunately. The good Reverend gives enormous amounts of money to conservative causes. Enough money, in fact, that congressmen were willing to attend a ceremony in which Moon was delcared to be the Messiah. It strikes me as a little odd that the conservative religious crowd finds it acceptable to take money from someone that, by Evangelical Christian standards, would have to be considered a false-phophet (at the least).

A quick Google search turns up a ton of information on Moon, with a predictable spread of pro and con. I was somewhat suprised to find that Moon was still active and powerful. I really thought Moon was part of a the past, a group and figure that rose and fell in the 80's and early 90's.


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